Friday, September 19, 2008


On Tuesday I had to go to the orthodontist and had to get chains put on. Now I have to wear a rubber band on one side of my mouth. It hurts really bad I can't wait to get them taken off. Sorry I haven't written in sooo long my Grandmother was put back in the hospital so we have been going back and forth all week. Tugger is feeling alot better and has lost some weight so now he has learned to jump on all the furniture. I will try to post again soon.


katelyn said...

Hey Ashley,
I had to wear chains and rubberbands (on both sides!!!). You will get used to the feeling of the rubberbands if you wear it all the time, but if you forget to wear them for a while(LIKE I did!! I always forgot to wear rubberbands, retainers, etc. ) and put them back on, it hurts all over again! :O)
How long have you had your braces on???

Ashley said...

I have had my braces since the beginning of April so i still have a while to wear them. I forgot to wear my rubberband for a while yesterday I couldn't remember where I put it!!!

katelyn said...

Hey Ashley
Do you have an email address? I do it's

Julie Marie said...

Hey, I'm sooooo glad that Tugger is feeling better!!!!! Sorry your rubber band hurt. I hope to see you really soon!